Eastern mediterranean biogeochemical flux model: simulations of the pelagic ecosystem

by P. Petihakis, G. Triantafyllou, K. Tsiaras, G. Korres, A. Pollani, I. Hoteit


Eastern mediterranean biogeochemical flux model: simulations of the pelagic ecosystem
P. Petihakis, G. Triantafyllou, K. Tsiaras, G. Korres, A. Pollani, and I. Hoteit
Ocean Science, 5, 29-46, 2009


​During the second phase (2003-2006) of the Mediterranean ocean Forecasting System Project (MFS) named Toward Environmental Predictions (MFSTEP) one of the three major aims was the development of numerical forecasting systems. In this context a generic Biogeochemical Flux Model (BFM) was developed and coupled with hydrodynamic models already operating at basin scale as well as in regional areas. In the Eastern Mediterranean basin the BFM was coupled with the Aegean Levantine Eddy Resolving MOdel (ALERMO). The BFM is a generic highly complex model based on ERSEM and although a detailed description of the model and its components is beyond the scope of this work, a short overview of the main processes, laying emphasis on the parameter values used is presented. In addition the performance of the model is evaluated with some preliminary results being qualitatively compared against field observations.The model in its present form is rather promising and reproduces all important major features although there are some slight inefficiencies mostly related to primary and bacterial productivity rates.

DOI: 10.5194/os-5-29-2009


Biogeochemical Cycle Ecosystem Modeling Forecasting Method Hydrodynamics Mediterranean Sea

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