KAUST student attains 2nd place in the North Africa & Middle East SPE Student Paper Contest

14 May, 2014

Mr. Klemens Katterbauer, PhD Candidate with the Earth Science & Engineering program at KAUST working under the subversion of Prof. Ibrahim Hoteit and Prof. Shuyu Sun was awarded second place and best PhD student at the Society of Petroleum Engineers Post Graduate Student Paper Contest that was held in Dubai, UAE in May, 2014.

Mr. Katterbauer qualified successfully amongst a large pool of students from the Middle East & North Africa. Moving to the second round with 7 other students qualifying to complete in the global contest to be held at ATCE in Amsterdam, 2014.  The competitor was required to present for 15 minutes followed by 5 minutes Q&A.  The judging panel included members from ADCO, ADMA-OPCO, Schlumberger, LUKOIL Overseas and OneSubsea.  In a tight finish, Mr. Katterbauer came second to the competitor from Petroleum Institute in Abu Dhabi.  Mr. Katterbauer was the best PhD student from Saudi Arabia.